Thursday, 15 March 2012

Beth, Megan, Brydee, Natasha, Parris and Shannon - The Bubbly Bloggers!

Interviewing Mrs Barnes( head of year 7) :

Q. What kind of vehicle do you drive?
A. I do not. I have never driven, but I do have views on it.

Q. What is your view on the rises in fuel?
A. It's the highest that it's been in years and it is too high, a man had to cut down on food because it was so high.

Q. If they doubled the prices, do you think people would cope? Would they have to give up anything?
A. Some people would not be able to cope, they would have to start car sharing and won't be able to drive their children to clubs.

Q. Would you ever start driving due to the fuel prices?
A. It would be ver unlikely for me to drive, as my parents never drove.

Us: Thank you!

Interviewing Mr Eason (German and French teacher) :

Q. What kind of vehicle do you drive?
A. Ford KA 1.3 litre engine.

Q. On average, how much do you pay for fuel a week?
A. I car share, so it is roughly fifty to eighty pounds a week.

Q. Do you have to drive to work?
A. Yes. when I bought my car, six years ago, it cost me thirtyfive pounds on every top-up, but now it cost me fifty pounds on every top-up.

Q. If they doubled the price, could you cope would you have to give up anything?
A. Yes, i would have to take the train, it would be very hard as I live in Canterburyto Rainham, it is twentyfive miles each way.

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