Thursday, 15 March 2012

Paige Elliott

There are a lot of unemployed young adults or older teens in the UK today. They are unemployed as:
  • not enough jobs in the country,
  • a lot of young adults don’t have the time,
  • there isn’t enough money to pay for the jobs,
  • jobs are becoming easy, it’s easy to start your own job,
  • worst of all young adults and elder teens are not bothered.
Here is an interview with 6 sixth formers telling us about unemployment. Q. why do you think there are not many jobs in the UK Here is the answer.
Because of the age groups, as older have jobs and young there is less available. There are more people in the world and are going to be fewer jobs as every one is trying to get them. People still want to work for the money so people work at the same job very long for more money.

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